
Tuesday, August 31

Dear Kaia,

Needless to say there are an absurd number of things you do that are absolutely adorable and sweet but in this short time that we've known each other I find that the things that stand out most are a little on the gross side....for example: 

1.) you are a pooper, no way around it. It has only been three weeks and (much like our puppy) you have already marked your territory. Of course there was the predictable changing table instance (at least three), and I could probably blame myself for changing you on the white shag carpet (did you really need to project though) and then of course there was Daddy Awesome's leg which required him to have to go take a shower. You also like to make us think that you need your diaper changed but then wait until we're actually in the act before doing your business. 
....side note: today you laughed in your sleep and I think you were planning your next attack...Tricky, tricky Kaia!

2.) losing your belly button thingy, literally. So while changing your diaper (again) I noticed that it was gone, but you had a onesie on sooooo where could it have gone to. Apparently you are practicing your magic skills because much to my dismay there it was just sitting on the couch. Really Kaia...Really?

3.) You are a bit of a piglet, sometimes you eat so fast that you just as quickly spit it back out...typically down your chin, down my shirt, but rarely on the designated burp cloth. However, today was a little out of the ordinary, instead of following our normal routine you decided to hold out for Daddy Awesome. Once you were safely in his arms you distracted him with your cute face and then proceeded to projectile vomit all over yourself and his sleeve. Momma thought your head might start spinning and just about had an ambulance on the way.

So there's three little things for your three wonderful weeks on this earth, all documented for your future embarassment.


Tuesday, August 24

Week 2 in Review

General Revelations
*ummm...Yeah, I'm a little tired
*0-3 months really doesn't fit every newborn, neither does the newborn size (she's itty bitty)
*just because she lets out a cry doesn't necessarily mean she's in distress
*wait a couple minutes before changing that diaper, at least with this one there's always an Encore!!
* I think she's testing the temperature with her tongue
* breast feeding is difficult...enough said, even if it doesn't hurt it's still tiring
*she totally understands the books I'm reading to her, I KNOW IT!!
*Some things just aren't going to get done
*It's really difficult to "sleep when she sleeps," when I'm too busy taking pics and staring
*baby farts can smell just as bad as grown man farts but not quite as bad as the dogs

Sunday, August 22

A little peek at the nursery...still in progress

I kind of love Kaia's room, and here's why:

1. The color on the wall's is called Enjoyable Yellow, it's a low VOC paint so all new paranoid parents can rest assured that their babies aren't inhaling paint toxins. It's just bright enough to not be overwhelming, however, the pictures are a little underwhelming. Mr. Awesome and one of his besties had the pleasure of painting the room. 

2. The Cricut (belonging to my bestie:) made doing the DIY alphabet posters and the owls above the changing table, incredibly cost effective and also allowed me to pick the colors I liked. 

3. The changing table was my nephews so it was FREE!! and the crib was a gift from my mom which made it...FREE as well. We also have a glider from my in-laws (which made it FREE!!) that is getting the cushions redone to match the crib skirt.

4. The baskets on the changing table and the waste basket are all from the dollar section at Target.

5. The crib skirt was another DIY project. It involved some Velcro and hem tape (all washable) so that I didn't have to sew anything and this allowed me pick a fabric that I loved called Mary Jane Sorbet!! 

6. Another last minute DIY are the tissue paper poms that, they day we checked into the hospital, I had planned to suspend from the ceiling over the crib along with a super sweet chandelier that my mom found for $2. 

7. Another thing that I absolutely had to have was the white shag carpet (courtesy of IKEA) it, at $50, is actually the most expensive thing we got for her room and I love it:)

8. But nothing makes a nursery like all the little people clothes and socks and blankets. I have a hard time closing the closet door when their just so friggin' cute to look at.

Friday, August 20

Whew!! Week 1 in Review

*The hormonal roller coaster does not stop the minute you have the baby
*You will never again sleep the sweet sweet slumber of someone without a child
*The sleep you do get will be sweeter because you don't feel entitled to it
*Night Sweats? not only are you waking up at God knows what time but then you're soaked too?

Just about everything can make you feel like you're doing something wrong, i.e.
*the amount of diapers being changed
*the diaper rash that appears due to the sheer number of diaper changes
*forgetting to burp them
*cool air seeping into the swaddle
*their scaly skin
*every single time they cry
*the medieval torture device known as the "car seat"

However, a few of my favorite things have been: 
*sleeping on my stomach (just as amazing as I remember)
*when she smiles in her sleep and I convince myself that it's because we're doing something right
*successfully clothing her, changing her, or getting her in her car seat without a peep
*little fingers and little toes
* when she looks around every time she hears Mr. Awesome's voice
* the Dr. telling me that this won't be the first time I'll feel inadequate, which was surprisingly comforting. 

As of now Week 2 has been shaping up nicely as well. We'll update soon.


Sunday, August 15

Dear Kaia,

You are pretty much the most amazing, sweetest, incredibly crazy thing that has ever happened to me. 

your momma

Saturday, August 7

Dear Skinny Face,

proof of my once skinny face

I haven't seen you in awhile. There was a time where I still saw traces of you, a time where I had very high hopes that you had just gone on a lengthy sabbatical. Now I'm getting nervous!! Nearly frantic!!! Please come back!! Please!! The powdered sugar and jelly filling from that Top Pot donut I recently devoured just didn't look right on the second chin, whereas I think just one chin could have passed off as cute. Not so much this time, more along the lines of horrifying, in a Fat Bastard sort of way. 

However, in the face of such a tragedy I will try to remain optimistic and hopeful. I'll even offer up my Professor Klump like feet for eternity, in exchange for you my dear Skinny Face. Maybe?


Monday, August 2

A little of our summer awesomeness (Part 2),

Still being watched but he is slowly cracking and just might let me take an adventure to Target!!! Crossing my fingers. Until then here's a little more summer...

Absolutely loving the Summer Farmers Markets...there's practically one everyday in our neighborhood.

I think I've eaten more Otter Pops since being pregnant than I did in my entire childhood.

We decided late afternoon one day to go pitch a tent on the coast for the was lovely (minus pregnant and sleeping on the ground part)

Mr. Awesome makes a point to propose to me whenever he gets his hand on my ring:) Obviously one of the many reasons he's so awesome. This is what I woke up too the morning after kicking his butt in Scrabble.

Go Sounders!! Even though they lost and I almost had to beat an old woman up for cutting me in the free Blizzard line.

A little of our summer awesomeness (Part 1),

I am currently being chaperoned by Mr. Awesome who has made it his mission in life to keep me off my incredibly swollen feet (Dr's orders). But I'm 39 weeks pregnant, I have things to do, one of which is going head to head with gravity (daily) in order to make sure this little one knows which direction she needs to be heading. However, while he currently has a watchful eye over me I thought I'd post some of our summer madness. 

I have been so thankful that Mr. Awesome and I have been able to spend so much uninterrupted time together before the munchkin gets here (perks of being a teacher) and even more thankful and blessed that neither of us has to rush back to work once she arrives so we can all get our bearings:) 

So here's to a wonderful summer thus far and our impending cherry on top!!

Our makeshift spa at the hotel complete with lovely finds from LUSH!!

Yeah for Canada Day!!! We headed to Victoria with friends without even knowing that it was a National Holiday...we were treated to an awesome fireworks display, live music and lots of food:)

Uhhh...Yeah, that's an Elk tongue. It was given to us by accident, but being the adventurous people we are we smoked the heck out of that sucker and it ended up looking and smelling was a tad chewy though and we had a very dramatic countdown to our first bite.

Registering awesomeness, we pretty much just scanned everything...Well, Mr. Awesome scanned everything, complete with sound effects:)