
Monday, June 28

Oh Yeah!!

So with summer moving in this has caused what I like to refer to as the "Fred Flintstone" phenomenon. At this point my hands, my feet, and (most devastatingly) my ankles look as if they've been stung by a swarm of hornets. My toes refuse to touch the ground and my legs appear to be trying to swallow my feet out of their misery. Notice how I didn't reference my ankles in that last sentence? It's because my legs have already swallowed my ankles!!! 

With these new developments in mind I have made my return to the cool waters of the lap pool at the gym. However, this seemingly small act brings on a whole other set of issues. I am at the point in my pregnancy where the one piece I would normally resort to looks absolutely horrifying, almost as if my belly extends from my roos to my neck. Mr. Awesome and I just looked and laughed as I shimmied my way both in and out of it cutting off blood flow to various extremities in the process. Thank you Speedo. Next option is to get a new "maternity" suit...but I'm not exactly sold on their matronly look and while they may offer more comfort they do nothing for my sense of vanity (I know!! Priorities). 

So what do I do? Rock the two piece? You know it. Now let me say that pre-pregnancy I wore this very same suit with little apprehension other than having always been a little soft in the middle. But the awesome thing about being pregnant is the fact that this is probably the hardest my abs are ever gonna get!!! Imagine my surprise when the two piece turned out to actually be flattering. I even got compliments at the gym and let's face it that would never have happened before. I was a hot "almost" mom. It's only a shame that come August I'm gonna have to work my butt, ankles, and hands off to get back in that thing but for now it's nice to feel at least quasi-comfortable in my own skin.

peace out, 


  1. Good for you girlie!! Keep being confident - you're gorgeous :)

  2. Thanks lady!! I try and tell myself that one day my ankles will come back and then I look at pictures so I can remember my face hasn't always been fat:)
