
Wednesday, March 30

birthday extravaganza pt.2

Tuesday (otherwise known as the day of reckoning) Miss K was the first to give me birthday kisses and also sleep in until 8 which is incredibly rare, Yay for birthday sleep!!! and yay for birthday breakfast with my two favorite peeps..
a late breakfast was just a short walk away at Shakabrah where I went for a classic combo that hit the spot:)

Later that night we headed to Ravenous to meet with our friends Jamille and Steve for a little dinner. One neat thing about this place (besides the GroupOn from my brother and sister-in-law) is that the walls are lined with corks signed by customers.
The Mr. and I split a delicious pizza and Jamille and Steve got me an awesome bottle of wine and a book of zombie love songs respectively:) The zombie thing is another post for another time but suffice to say that I have a very irrational fear.

Also while down in that part of town I took this funky picture of Mr. Awesome that I love...
all in all my birthday was absolutely lovely and I'm looking forward to a crazy 30th year. Stay tuned for my 30@30 reveal.

Hope everyone's having a great week!

Monday, March 28

birthday extravaganza pt.1

So Mr. Awesome informed me that since I'll be celebrating a milestone birthday on Tuesday I get a whole birthday week!! Who knew:) The birthday festivities kicked off Saturday with a trip to The Crab Pot...thanks Ma!!
We ate sooo much and Miss K had a blast throwing potatoes on the floor.
after a huge lunch of crab, shrimp, sausage, potatoes and a strawberry rhubarb dessert...I actually went to the gym!! What can I say, I had to make room for dinner which was at one of our favorite restaurants called The Red House
we were joined by some of the usual suspects (thanks rob, shoni, crystal and evan for being awesome) which made our evening even more enjoyable...we talked about some of our highlights from being tweny-somethings.

Sunday gave way to even more birthday related feasts when we headed over to my in-laws for TteokGuk soup. The soup is traditionally made for New Years but I'm so in love with it that my mother-in-law brought it to the hospital the day after I had Miss K and then also made it for my birthday this's a picture and recipe from Aeri's Kitchen...
I would have taken a picture of my own but by the time I remembered the only thing left to see was the bottom of the bowl.

As if all of that wasn't enough we finished the night with a steak dinner at my best friends house!! It's apparent that everyone knows that food is my favorite gift and what better way to celebrate than to have great food, amazing family and awesome friends to share it with...and it's not over...there are more meals planned throughout the week culminating with a trip down to Portland on Thursday.

It's kind of crazy that I'm leaving my twenties but if i have to go this is definitely the way to do it.

Thursday, March 24

she get it from her momma

When I was pregnant with Miss K I made a point to fall asleep just about everywhere and in some inappropriate situations (sorry to those of you whose talking lulled me to sleep). Since I was pregnant during the summer one of my favorite places to fall asleep was in the channel of sunlight that slipped in through the sliding glass door at both my house and my in-laws, as well under the picture window at my mom's. I would curl up, pregnant belly and all, right there on the floor and just pass out.
The truth is I've always loved to bask, cat like, in this warm indirect summer light and distinctly remember doing it as a child as well. Today I watched Miss K slowly do her little monkey crawl to that narrow slice of sun (what a tease, considering there's snow in the forecast next week) that found its way to our door. You'll have to ignore the dirtier than sin sliding door, I assure you it's from the dog and on the outside. But Miss K just looked so content in that moment basking in her little ray of light that I had to capture it (dirty window and all). After the pictures I sat down beside her and we made faces at each other until the sun dipped behind a cloud and the reality of having things to do crept back in.
I cannot even begin to express my gratitude for all the people, all the sliding doors and all the rays of sunlight that have blessed my life. I am also thankful for this precious moment with Miss K and for knowing that while she may look just like her daddy, this is one thing she gets from her momma.
Hoping some sunshine has made it's way into your day:)

Tuesday, March 22

spring has sprung

It was a another beautiful day here in the Northwest. So what's a girl to do? Throw on some layers and head to the woods that's what. This afternoon Miss K, Miss Maya and I headed over to Point Defiance to get some fresh air and to snap some pictures of course.
there was definitely some dirt that got eaten as well...I didn't really try to stop her, first time for everything right? Mr. Awesome will be proud.

Sunday, March 20

a day at the park

Our Miss Mayapolis Papaya has recently been putting on some weight due to dreary weather and sheer laziness on our part. Apparently, since becoming real parents our puppy parenting has gone downhill. However, Saturday proved to be a great opportunity to at least begin to make amends, not to mention it was beautiful and dry (but still cold). We picked up my mom and Miss Romy Plum (Maya's chief antagonist in life) and headed to the park.

I had forgotten how awesome our local park was and it appeared that everyone else was taking the opportunity to get their fat puppies out too. The park was packed and Miss K had a blast watching the chaos from her perch. Our little trip also provided the perfect chance to take Miss K's bear suit out for one last spin. just one more thing this sprout has grown out of as of late.

Hope you all had a great Saturday

Thursday, March 17

pinch free zone

So I neglected to tell Mr. Awesome to wear some green today. Fortunately he warned his students that pinching him would result in a sexual harassment lawsuit... needless to say I think he's covered:) Miss K and I made sure we were covered at home too...You know, just in case any pinchers stopped by:)


Wednesday, March 16

every little inch

After putting Miss K to bed tonight I took note of the Johnny Jumper I had to push to the side in order to get to my room to change into my own pj's.

I then walked downstairs and proceeded to fold her activity quilt and put away her toys in the bin stored under our coffee table.

After that I grabbed the clothes she wore today off the arm of the couch and while walking to throw them in the laundry I navigated her walker with my foot to it's parking spot by the bookcase.

Finally I replaced her canister of sweet potato snacks on the counter with a tea cup, turned my water on to boil and I looked around.

In just seven short months this little person has worked her way into every corner of our world, it's as if there was always a place for her. That she was always supposed to be here...on this earth, in this home, and in our hearts. I guess what I'm ultimately trying to say is that God is amazing and every day I am blessed by the light that is this little girl.

Tuesday, March 1

two year anniversa-brownies

Today is Mr. Awesome and my two year anniversary. It's actually the the two year anniversary of our wedding day but legally we were married on February 27th. We decided that we should always celebrate both. So with that in mind the Mr. took over the 27th. It was an awesome day!! After church my mom took Miss K while we went and enjoyed a cookie and some quiet time at the bookstore, afterwards he had gotten us tickets to the Glass Museum...
there was a great exhibit of kid designed pieces. The kids were able to draw all these creatures and write brief descriptions about what they do like "shoot laycer beems" and then they would actually create the creatures out of glass. It was a super fun trip and it was followed by a late lunch at Stanley and Seaforts with this view...
Our server was lovely and followed our meal with a complimentary creme brulee (which happened to be the best I've had...and not just because it was free.)

Today was up to me and it was definitely more low-key due to work and school. I made some special anniversa-brownies served with Tillamook strawberry ice cream and a meal of fancy meat-loaf and sauteed asparagus. Hopefully, after Miss K heads off to bed we will be able to relax with a glass of wine and talk about how much we've crammed into these two short years and how excited we are about all the plans we have in the works.